Opening Act


TRIBAL CHAIR, NON’SHEEP, Hopeless Ravenなどのエモ、ギターロック、ハードコアシーンで活躍したメンバーから成る2023年始動のエモバンド

Satoshi Tsugahara Vo+Gt / Naoki Kojima Drum / Yokomizo Gt / K2O Bass
drumkan 【blend】 1999 (C) Start Today Records
前記、多くのメンバーチェンジと記したが、ドラム3人、ギター8人、ベース3人の計14名、その在籍したメンバー全員が、異存のない、いや、異存の出しようのない【真】のドラムカンサウンドの原型、ルーツメンバーで、2017 年再結成。
現メンバーはSatoshi Tsugahara Vo+Gt / Naoki Kojma Drum / Yasu Yokomizo Gt / K2O Bass にて活動を続けている。
- ReBranding
『Elliott』のドラマーKevin rattermanをプロデューサーに迎え三度のアメリカレコーディングを行う。
2007年には、アメリカで『AS LIFE』をリリース。また、自身のレーベル『waver waver』を運営しながら様々なアーティストをリリースし、シリーズツアー『Ex-hivision』を敢行する。
『Elliott』『mae』『Your black star』『Daphne loves derby』『dream state』『Sense field』『Garrison』『Brisk』
『Long since forgotten』『Further seems forever』など海外でも話題のインディーロックバンドを日本へ数多く招聘。
Drumkan, hailing from Tokyo, Japan is a miraculous achievement in Japanese indie rock. Since forming almost ten years ago, the band has managed to release six full length albums as well as numerous EPs and has toured Japan, Australia and America extensively with such bands as Sunny Day Real Estate, Elliott, Your Black Star, Mae, Further Seems Forever and numerous others.
Forging a sound from the raw punk of the indie underground with the power and melody of Nirvana, Drumkan has managed to create a sound which is one part wall-shaking punk to one part infectious pop. When you see them live, you’ll be blown away not only by their massive amounts of energy but also by how difficult it will be to get those damn songs out of your head for the next week!
A unique indie success story, Drumkan started out small and worked their way to the top, eventually signing with Japanese major, Limited Records, in 2000 and ultimately choosing to drop themselves from the label shortly after their first release in favor of the freedom of releasing records on their own label, maintaining their relationship with Limited on a distribution basis only. The band has since released records on their Waver-Waver label not only by themselves but also by Your Black Star, Jeff Caudill, and Long Since Forgotten.
Any band that has been together will go through a lineup change or two and that is certainly true for Dumkan. The one constant through the years has been the steady guitar work, rough voice, and amazing songwriting of frontman Satoshi Tsugahara. Tsugahara has led the band from the start and is currently managing the band’s label as well as the booking of all the band’s and label’s Japanese tours.
A group that has found a way to stay indie––as well as balance the expense and business end of touring and recording––is a rarity and few have done this as well and as gracefully as Drumkan. If you’ve never had a chance to experience this powerfull band, do yourself a favor: navigate to or better yet, look for a Drumkan show near you. This truly powerful band will challenge your perceptions of indie rock for sure