Josh:Vo+Gt|Steve:Drum|Celab:Bass|Jeff:Gt|Long since forgotten official web site
2001年にニューヨーク・シラキュースにて結成。ROCKを基盤にフックのあるサウンド、美しいメロディで『Jimmy Eat World』をも超える美メロ・POP感が人気を呼び、日本でも注目を浴びる。
2002年に『Get up kids|Reggie and the Full Effect|The Appleseed Cast』などを手掛けた名エモプロデューサーEd Roseを迎えレコーディングを行い『Rocketstar recordings(This providence|Gatsby american dreams)から1stアルバム【All the Things You Said…】をリリース。
2003年、バンドはツアー中にスタジオへ。再びEd Roseを迎え、2ndアルバムのレコーディングへ入り【Standing Room Only】を完成させる。立ち止まることなく彼らはツアーを行い、2ndアルバムはリリース1週目にしてCMJ TOPチャートへ入り、さらにファンを獲得。
2005年、本国アメリカでも廃盤になっていた彼らの1st EP【Monday 12am】にボーナストラックを付けて、WAVER WAVERから初の日本盤をリリース。全編アコースティクながら素晴らしいメロディ・コーラスワークを披露し、日本のファン層を拡大する。
そして2006年、彼らは地元ニューヨークにて、プロデューサーにKevin Bruchert(Dead poetic)を迎え3rdアルバム【The Theft】を完成させる。
Melodic, catchy, hooks, tight harmonies, mature. These are just a few of the words that have been used to describe the song-writing of Long Since Forgotten ever since the release of their first album in 2002. Backed with a powerful live performance, it is no wonder they have garnered a large, greatly diverse and loyal fan base. Long Since Forgotten has been impacting the music scene in their hometown of Syracuse, NY and clear across the nation since 2001.
Long Since Forgotten recorded their first full length album “All The Things You Said…” in late 2001 with Ed Rose (The Get Up Kids, Reggie and the Full Effect, Ultimate Fakebook, The Appleseed Cast, Coalesce, and The Casket Lottery). With that record complete, Long Since Forgotten signed with Rocketstar Recordings and released “All the Things You Said…” in the summer of 2002.
Touring relentlessly since recording “All The Things You Said…”, Long Since Forgotten has continued to win over fans across the country. Two East Coast tours in June 2002 and October 2003, three full U.S. tours – September 2002, April to June 2003 and January to April 2004 – as well as countless weekend tours of the North East have helped to establish Long Since Forgotten as one of the industry’s most promising up-and-coming rock bands.
During June of their Spring 2003 tour, Long Since Forgotten recorded their second full-length for Rocketstar Recordings at Blacklodge Studios, again working with Ed Rose. Now more mature in song writing and more cohesive as a group, Long Since Forgotten felt these sessions had produced their best work to date. The 13 track album, titled “Standing Room Only,” was released on January 27th 2004. With support from Earshot Media and McGathy Radio Promotions as well as Long Since Forgotten’s endless touring and Street Team activity, “Standing Room Only” debuted at #54 on the CMJ top 200 one week prior to its release, and has found its way into the hearts of thousands of fans, new and old, from all over the country.
Now in 2007 they have upped the ante with “The Theft” , a 12 song, well-crafted, maturely-written rock and roll album that is sure to revive old fans and intrigue and entice many new ones. This time around, LSF brings a more diverse sonic landscape to their audience, but with a sequence that flows with comprehensible ease. The lyrical content, also diverse, spans themes ranging from observations on current social trends relating to music, politics and marriage, all the way to reflections on fictional works of literature. After a two year process of writing, perfecting and recording that all started while touring for the previous release, and ending in the studio with producer/friend Kevin Bruchert, Long Since Forgotten’s efforts have been recognized by Raleigh, NC based label Evo Records and is scheduled to be released in August 2007. Expect relentless touring in support of “The Theft”.

Long since forgotten|The Theft
1 Hot House
2 Ready Or Not
3 Large Farva
4 Vegas
5 Mr.RubberBurner
6 Memphis
7 Shazbot Waltz
8 Moonlight
9 Amy Racecar
10 Octopussy
11 Palindromes
▼Bonus Songs|Japanese version only▼
12 You Write The Music
13 The Money
14 The Cybernetic Ghost

Long since forgotten|Monday 12 am
1 Ready Or Not
2 Looking Glass
3 No Sound
4 What She Said (acoustic)
5 Windows And Bridges
6 Watching You Walk Away
7 If I Was
8 The Lost Autumn’s Full Moon